Too often when photographers think about fall foliage photographs, they're guilty of target fixation.
only thinking of photographing fall foliage colors in rolling hills,
vast fields and grasslands, solely in rural areas or parks, in bright
sunlight and blue skies. While no one can deny that fall foliage images
in those areas and conditions can be magnificent, there are many other
locations and conditions than can produce equally or even richer
photographs of fall foliage.
As autumn leaves change color and slowly fall, photographers need to expand their vision to the wide variety of photographic opportunities that are available to them. Scenes that include ponds or lakes like my image above, that include reflections of the green red, yellow and orange colors in the water can greatly enhance the fall seasonal feeling we look to obtain in fall foliage photographs.
Other opportunities to create these images with their intense colors can be found in rain and morning mists and fog, in urban areas, town centers, small villages, farms and in both landscapes and close-ups. Fall foliage photographic opportunities are virtually everywhere we find deciduous trees, trees that shed their leaves annually.